Tuesday 4 March 2008

Munckin Madness 02,07.07

I am exhausted, we had to get up in the middle of the night to take Sam to his school for 4.30am to set off on a trip to Holland. He went off happily enough and Robbie and I decided that since we were wide awake we may as well make an early start at work, it was good, I got quite a lot done, but by early evening I could hardly keep my eyes open.

I will miss Sam so much, but there is one thing I will not miss, Sam is obsessed with the Wizard of Oz film and he has been talking about it for weeks. He has found out about a myth that one of the Munchkins hung himself in the background of one of the frames, and he has gone on and on about it. You wouldn't believe how exhausting it is to hear about Munchkins morning, noon and night. In the end I exploded with frustration and told Sam that I didn't care if it was lemming year for Munchkins, The word is now banned in our house.
Here is the link if you are interested


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